Monday, April 23, 2012

Snow and ice

On friday Tamir and I felt pretty lousey so I only put in around 10 miles. It was raining so I went to bed early - early even for Hiker time - around 6:30. The next day I felt better but more rain dampened my mood. I did run into the wolf pack though. They are an infamous group of about 15 hikers on the trail. They didn't know eachother before hand but really hit it off on the trail. They are famous for their improve guitar songs, but unfortunately I didnt get to hear one. Now that I think about it, I never got to hear Yolder yodel either. Anyways, on sunday the rain turned to sleet and the sleet turned to snow. I'm sure there were a lot of asweome views, but I couldn't see 10 feet in front of me. Luckily I got a shelter to wait out the storm. When I woke up this morning there was about 3 inches of snow on the ground. My water was frozen solid and it took a good while to get my frozen shoes on. There were also a lot of fallen branches on the trail from all of the frozen rain.  I was, however, im high spirits. Snow is way better than rain - I was warm and dry on my hike into town and I new a warm shower awaited me. I'm spending the night in a bukhouse in Erwin. I met up with Truckin again and weny to a mexican restaraunt in town. total "white balzed" milage at this point is around 342 miles.

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