Thursday, May 3, 2012

Quick update

I'm sitting in a gas station parking lot at 9:40 PM and haven't figured out where to sleep yet, so I'll try to keep this brief. The Grayson highlands were great. Rugged mountains with nice sweeping views, and some wild ponies to boot. I stayed at thomas knob shelter with 3 REI emloyees who were out for a few days. We had a good game of spades that night. Also met a cool southbounder from Houston (the heights actually). He's a captain on a container vessel and is on his 6 month rotation off. The next day I tried bookin it to Partnership shelter because its one of 3 places on the trail you can have pizza delivered to the shelter. Alas, I was not fast enough and abandoned plans when I realized I wouldn't make it in time. So I had a good time with haus, his mom, and long skirt at the timpi shelter instead. Today I made it to partnership shelter and showered (fancy shelter, huh? Pizza and shower!) Then hitched into marion for a resupply and lunch. I met up with southpaw at lunch and chilled with him for a good while before heading north to atkins. Oh, right before atkins there was this cool outdoor museum of an old farm and schoolhouse restored from the 1800s.  The trail meandered through the countryside before emerging at I81 where I got dinner at at restaurant and went the the gas station to update the blog. The cameraon my phone is crappy but here are some more pics.

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